

Video can be used on any page to explain or introduce a topic. Video messages play an important part in how people find out about Macquarie University. They make it easy to discover features of the university that can't be conveyed with words alone.



Last updated

1 Dec 2019

Video display

The video is displayed as a large thumbnail with standard controls.

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Best practice


Have a clear purpose for your video. Think about what you want your audience to do as a result of viewing your video, and supply only the information they absolutely need in order to take this step. Cut out anything that doesn’t contribute to this end goal.


Keep it short - don't try to cover too many concepts in a single video. Viewers don't usually respond well to long videos, so try to keep it down to between 60 and 120 seconds.

Tell a story

Videos that tell a story are more likely to engage viewers. Focusing on a story will also help you avoid bombarding them with too much information.

Show - don't tell

Make sure your visuals enhance the verbal message you're communicating. People watch videos to get visual information that would not be available in written content - so make sure you give it to them. Videos that just contain talking heads don't make the most of the medium and are likely to turn viewers off.